White-headed Buffalo Weaver (Dinemellia dinemelli)

There are many species of Weavers in Africa, some common and others rarer.  Among these, the best nest-builders are those birds which build flask-shaped nests.  The males have black and yellow plumage while the females may share their mate’s colors or merely have dull yellow plumage.  Some species in this genus (Ploceus) are difficult to distinguish.  Weavers are found all over East Africa there are several especially common species.  Most often seen is probably the Sparrow Weaver (Plocepasser  mahali) which has brown and white plumage. 

Buffalo Weavers are the least accomplished nest makers of the African species and as Weavers go they are large, up to nine inches long.  Usually found in small groups, they reside in arid areas and their nests are thorn structures with side entrances facing different directions.  Dinemelli’s Buffalo weaver (Dinemellia dinemelli) is common in dry brush and easily recognized from its black, white and red coloration.  The Common Buffalo Weaver (Bubalornis albirodstris) male is black.


Weaver Bird Photo Gallery

Photos by Reilly Levison

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