9) Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. solomonensis Rothchild and Hartert 1901

Length: The solomonensis subspecies have a large distribution range in the wild that corresponds to a big difference on their size and length. They have a marked geographic size variation with the western (islands) birds being the same size as the Red-sided Eclectus and the eastern (islands) birds being much smaller in size and length. Those solomonensis in captivity are from the eastern range of the island group and thus are small in size. Their length is 33-34 cm (13-13.5 inches) and is among the smallest of all the Eclectus subspecies.

Weight: 390 –425 gm

Other Names: Solomon Eclectus Parrot

Distribution: Originates through the Bismarck Archipelago (Umboi, New Britain, the Wuti Islands, Lolobau, Wotam, Duke of York, New Ireland, New Hanford, Tabar, Lihir, Tanga and Feni), the Admiralty Archipelagos (Manus and Rambutyo) and through the Solomon Island group including Buku and Bougainville east to San Cristobal and its satellites.

The Solomon Islands Eclectus are among the smallest of the Eclectus subspecies, and this is very evident in those reproduced in captivity. They are the both smaller in weight and length. They are very dainty and well proportionate.


The Solomon Island Eclectus male is smaller than the Red-sided Eclectus and its overall body color has a yellowish cast to it. This gives the green an iridescence look. This yellowish or goldish cast is more evident in its upper wing coverts. The top side of the tail is strongly suffused with bright blue and the barring at the edge of its tail appears as a pale yellow band. In some individual specimens, this tail barring is more whitish. The red oval patch on the body that is evident along the sides of the body where the wings fold is more elongated and wider in the Solomon Islands Eclectus than in most other Eclectus subspecies. The red begins and the bend of the wing and descends for about four inches down the body and ends close to the thigh. This red coloration extends beneath the wings and continues on through to and including the under wing coverts. The iris coloration on the Solomon Island Eclectus is very reddish in color as an adult.


The Solomon Island Eclectus female has a small rounded head and shorter tail, which gives this female the appearance of being round. This subspecies is much lighter red than the Red-sided Eclectus. The Solomon Island Eclectus have the well-defined bib of the Red-sided except the breast colors are different. The Red-sided female has breast and mantle feathers that are bright blue in color. The Solomon Island Eclectus female has a light purple cast to the blue on its breast. (An explanation of this is the feather barb is iridescent royal blue on the Red-sided and its barbules are gray-black. The barbs of the Solomon Island female shows a much thinner line of royal blue, edged by a thin line of mauve on either side of the blue. Its barbules are also gray black. This results in a light purple cast to the on the Solomon Island Eclectus blue breast.) It also has a broader blue eye ring compared to the Red-sided Eclectus subspecies. The primary coverts of the Solomon Island Eclectus are paler blue and this paling also appears on it outer edging of each primary feather. It has a very short tail averaging around 3.5 – 4.25 inches. Her iris is straw-yellow in coloration.


1) Grand Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus roratus roratus (P.L.S. Muller 1776)

2) Vosmaeri Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. vosmaeri (Rothchild 1922)
3) Cornelia Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. cornelia Bonaparte 1850

4) Riedel's Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. riedeli A.B. Meyer 1882

5) Red-sided Eclectus Eclectus r. polychlorus (Scopoli 1786)

6) Biaki Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. biaki (Hartert 1932)
7) Aru Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. aruensis G.R. Gray 1858

8) Macgillivray's Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. macgillivrayi Mathews 1913
9) Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. solomonensis Rothchild and Hartert 1901


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Possible Route of Eclectus Subspecies Migration Map 1

Map 2

Photography by Susie Christian© 2000
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